Design of Experiment

Design of Experiments Specialization

Amol S Pandit

Amol S Pandit
Founder and CEO
0 Reviews
Quality Management


  • Lectures 16
  • Quizzes 0
  • Duration 0
  • Language English
Course Description

Design, Develop and Improve Products and Processes. Be able to apply modern experimental techniques to improve existing products and processes and bring new products and processes to market faster

Learning key Points
  • Plan, design and conduct experiments efficiently and effectively, and analyze the resulting data to obtain valid objective conclusions.
  • Use response surface methods for system optimization as a follow-up to successful screening.
  • Use experimental design tools for computer experiments, both deterministic and stochastic computer models.
  • Use software tools to create custom designs based on optimal design methodology for situations where standard designs are not easily applicable.


  • Introduction
    • Lesson 1. Design for Six Sigma
      PDF Lesson
    • Lesson 2. Terminologies in DOE
      PDF Lesson
  • One Factor at a Time (OFAT)
    • Lesson 1. • Understanding OFAT with example
      PDF Lesson
  • Design of Experiments
    • Lesson 1. Controllable and Uncontrollable Factors
      PDF Lesson
    • Lesson 2. Steps to Minimize the impact of Noise Factors
      PDF Lesson
    • Lesson 3. Repetition, Replication, Randomization and Blocking
      PDF Lesson
    • Lesson 4. Full Factorial Design
      PDF Lesson
    • Lesson 5. Fractional Factorial Design
      PDF Lesson
    • Lesson 6. Plackett Burman Design
      PDF Lesson
    • Lesson 7. Confounding and Alias
      PDF Lesson
    • Lesson 8. III, IV & Vth Resolution Designs
      PDF Lesson
  • Live Process Creation using DOE in Minitab
    • Lesson 1. Example of DOE using Plackett Burman Design
      PDF Lesson
    • Lesson 2. Example of DOE using Full Factorial Design
      PDF Lesson
  • Other Special Designs
    • Lesson 1. Screening Design
      PDF Lesson
    • Lesson 2. Response Surface Design
      PDF Lesson
    • Lesson 3. Characterization Design
      PDF Lesson


Amol S Pandit
Founder and CEO

Experienced Trainer with a proven track record in Lean Six Sigma and project management. Has successfully conducted over 1000 training sessions globally. Offers in-depth expertise in Lean Six Sigma and Project management methodologies, complemented by industry-specific insights to tackle unique challenges effectively. Utilizes an engaging and interactive training style that fosters active participant involvement and maximizes learning results.



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  • Live Intructor led training using online platform
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  • 365 days access to recorded videos
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  • Simulation Exam
  • Completion certificate
  • 24x7 learner assistance and support


  • Flexible pricing options
  • Customized to the needs of the client
  • Implementation support for company's projects
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  • Simulation Exam
  • Completion certificate
  • 24x7 learner assistance and support

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$ 300.00
  • Recorded videos
  • Downloadable E content
  • Simulation Exam
  • Completion certificate
  • 24x7 learner assistance and support